
Monday, June 23, 2014

Manic Mondy

Mondays get a really bad rap. Is that because it is the first day after the weekend? I don't know. I've never really had an issue with Monday. So why Manic Monday? After a taking the weekend to spend with Mr. Right, I told myself that I would sit down and do a blog entry. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I mean this blog is titled My Life with Crohn's, after all.
I have a hundred different things I want to share, and therein lies the problem. Where do I start? Which topic of conversation should I write about today? The problem is, I'm still not sure. There is music and how it inspires me, affects my moods, can calm me down or lift me up. What about food? Food is a big deal to someone with Crohn's. What sounds good for dinner right now, may sound completely awful come dinner time. Or, worse yet, you really, really want what was fixed for dinner, but now you cannot stay out of the bathroom long enough to even enjoy it. Then there is the other part of food, which I'll go into on another post, about what can my system handle? What is going to make me sick today? There is the art and design portion of my life. My dogs. My grandchildren and their antics. Vacations! That is also another post all on it's own. So, I'm hoping I can get my mind settled a bit before tomorrow and settle on one topic of interest. If there is a topic you would like me to address, please leave a comment so that I can hit upon that topic.
Oh, one last little tidbit. Did you know that there are over 70,000 cases of IBD newly diagnosed each year? That's a lot, yet the public still knows so little about it. Help me get the word out and make people aware by sharing this blog with them. Until tomorrow!

Many Blessings and remember to LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE!

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